Teaching Percentage Notes. Since 10 is 1 10 and it s so easy to find 1 10 of any number we can use that to quickly calculate certain percentages of quantities in our heads. These notes give an overview from what percentage is how to convert percentages and more.
Cross multiplication is covered as well. Percentages have no dimension. For example 100 3 3 100 17 100 1 17 17 100 47 100 1 47 47 100.
This is a percent reference notes sheet that will help students to learn how to do percents using the proportion method.
For example 100 16 25 4 25 4 conversely to write a percent as a fraction we drop the sign multiply the number by 100 1 or divide the number by 100 and simplify it. Therefore 1 means 1 100 or one hundredth and 7 means 7 100 or seven hundredths. To find 20 of a number first find 10 of it and double that. Teaching students how to convert rational numbers fractions decimals and percents is a simple process that will help them through so many years of math.